Wojciech Bartnik

Results 5 issues of Wojciech Bartnik

With this code autocomplete works fine: ``` D import deimos.ncurses; void main() { deimos.ncurses.initscr(); } ``` But with this not: ``` D import deimos.ncurses; alias NC = deimos.ncurses; void main()...


Hi, I have just installed `alwsl` and I am unable to update my system. ### Error message ``` root@Win10-arlen:/mnt/c/Users/arlen/Downloads# pacman -Syyu :: Synchronizing package databases... core 124.6 KiB 877K/s 00:00...

Right now to use `taplo-cli` I have to get cargo first and then build `taplo-cli`. Runime performance-wise it's a good idea but when it comes to an ease of setup...

Help needed

Whenever I'm trying to package an executable with a space in name I'm getting this error ``` ERROR: Could not deploy symlink for executable: could not find suitable executable for...

needs verification