Yishi Lin

Results 47 comments of Yishi Lin

Emmm. It is kind of hard to see the reason behind. Not sure whether adding the port in the url would be helpful.

V0.5.0 in App Store uses a newer version of ObjevtiveGit framework. Are you still encountering this issue in newer version of Pass?

How you import the key doesn't matter. We keep the ASCII armored key. It is possible that the key format is not supported by the upstream library that we have...

@maximbaz Thank you. I will put this in [Supported Unsupported Key Algorithms](https://github.com/mssun/passforios/wiki/Supported-Unsupported-Key-Algorithms). And I will add a link to this document in the key setup page.

@genigenigeni Would you please check whether `using more compatible PEM format, not the newer OpenSSH format` solves your problem?

@wpcarro Just added your suggestions to https://github.com/mssun/passforios/wiki/Supported-or-Unsupported-Keys . PRs are always welcomed! The current error messages are far from enough. And after reading all issues, now I feel that they...

The first issue is now fixed in the develop branch (d0bad86). We will upload a new TestFlight version soon. Previously, we assume that the only reason for seeing a syncing...

I took a look at pass-tomb. I don't think we will have time to support it in the near future, because (1) it seems like its user-base is not very...

I don't have time to add the pass-tomb support. We are always welcoming pull requests!

Do we have to add ObjectivePGP back as a backup plan? Edit: I mean using ObjectivePGP as an alternative in case gopengpg fails to encrypt/decrypt, for the sake of compatibility....