Zack Song
Zack Song
Beyond english, any productive way to turn the UI interface to other language? Thanks!
I'm trying examples/southpark-search. As tutorial, I get everything ready and opened in Chrome browser, but I can't set the server endpoint since no place to fill in the text....
## Problem to Solve ### Need 'Find the Most Interesting Instances' features like in Grakn 1.8.4, such as 1) Compute centrality using degree ```compute centrality of organisation, in [organisation, person,...
clone 后,只修改了 config 如下: ``` module.exports = { TOKEN: "puppet_padplus_**************", IGNORE: [""], //忽略某个用户的消息,填写用户昵称即可 WEBROOM: "群测试1", //要管理的群名称 MYSELF: "zack" //大号的备注!!!备注不是昵称!防止其他人冒充你哦 }; ``` 当在“群测试1”里添加人(小明)时,报错如下:但是踢掉(小明)时,没有报错,显示正确 ``` 贴心小助理Contact登录了 (node:17320) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property...
**Description** When opening the URL, /api/v1/generate doesn't showed up. But if you try to run, it works. I'm not sure if it's due to the setup of API...
I have some fine-tuned models saved on Huggingface. How to add or convert any custome LLM to ollama fitted version?
输入阳历:1991年4月5日3时 输出八字:辛未 壬辰 乙巳 戊寅 但与多个八字排盘软件显示,应该是:辛未 辛卯 乙巳 戊寅 月柱好像错了,不应该是”壬辰“,应该是"辛卯" 请有空查下孰对孰错,谢谢!
### Describe your problem In api/apps/, there is a retrieval function as below: ``` @manager.route('/retrieval_test', methods=['POST']) @login_required @validate_request("kb_id", "question") def retrieval_test(): ... ``` Are we going to have the retrieval_api...
经测试,在2.0.6和1.1.0两个版本下均有同样的错误冲突如下(已排除代码错误,其他多个测试正常): (案例一) 输入阳历:1991年4月5日3时 输出八字:辛未 壬辰 乙巳 戊寅 输入八字:辛未 辛卯 乙巳 戊寅 输出阳历:1991年4月5日3时 实际上,阳历转八字时,输出的八字里月柱错了,不应该是”壬辰“,应该是"辛卯",用其他的排盘软件交叉验证了,且如果 输入八字:辛未 壬辰 乙巳 戊寅 输出阳历:1931年4月20日3时 (案例二) 输入阳历:1987年8月8日5时 输出八字:丁卯 戊申 己丑 丁卯 输入八字:丁卯 丁未 己丑 丁卯 输出阳历:1987年8月8日5时 实际上,阳历转八字时,输出的八字里月柱错了,不应该是”戊申“,应该是"丁未",用其他的排盘软件交叉验证了,且如果...
### Describe your problem Facts: 1) When run the api locally with base_url, it works fine. 2) Suppose I can login ragflow through: http://8.140.18.**:8280/login Question: What base url should...