Yi Li
Yi Li
@yww211 @deadpoppy I guess we could also consider open sourcing our `calibration` module that exactly deals with the accuracy/threshold issue lol
@mikedh Hey, glad to find this PR and I'm curious what's the current status of adding embree3 support for trimesh? We at ambi robotics are using `trimesh.ray.intersects_location` and were also...
@ArshiyaG Sorry, but the information you provided is too little for me to give any feedback. Can you take a look at this issue https://github.com/uci-cbcl/PyLOH/issues/2 and reframe your problem here?...
@ArshiyaG can you copy paste the full error message printed from screen? like https://github.com/uci-cbcl/PyLOH/issues/2 ```python Loading segments by 22 autosomes... Preprocessing segment chr1_start_0_end_249250621... Preprocessing segment chr2_start_0_end_243199373... Preprocessing segment chr3_start_0_end_198022430... Preprocessing...
@John1231983 we use pytorch, the full open source is under progress
@ChaiBapchya thank you so much for your interest in our work. Unfortunately, we are currently busy preparing MICCAI conference, which is happening on Oct/13-Oct/17. We will try to squeeze some...
@hoangtuanvu we train on big one resized to 1024. we use the default validation test on the competition
@gokriznastic yes, it's a combination of quite a few tricks, e.g. densenet + attention_refine, I'm asking our team members to open source it lol
@hoangtuanvu yeah...they are sometimes pretty slow...