Thanks for your quick reply. The program is too large. It is hard to give you specific information about the SVFGNode and its PAGNode without context. The following three statements...
Btw, I am wondering why we need to use getLHSTopLevPtr considering we have already traversed VFG and get the visited list before.
I am confused that what the purpose of getLHSTopLevPtr is. Is it to get the corresponding PAGNode for VFGNode and PAGNode are the exact LLVM values (pointers), right?
Thanks for your updates. I updated all the patches and fix, while the same error still happens. Has the error been fixed at your side? I am using the same...
Sorry to disturb you again. I did execute the above command. I checked the modification time of libSvf.a under Release-build folder and the time is no up-to-date. I am not...