
Results 16 issues of yikuo123

the method "setEnabled" does not work, is there any way to disable it?


if the tableName or key is a variable, this problem would occur. Could anyone tell me how can i ignore this error message?

help wanted

关闭串口时,如果正在 read inputStream,串口和inputStream关闭后,read仍然处于阻塞状态不会终止


I receive standalone h264 bytes stream and pcm bytes stream separately, how can I play them together synchronously with MediaElement or MediaPlayerElement? Thanks a lot!

OnH264DataReceived: frameType=5, length=5076, pts=0 OnH264DataReceived: frameType=1, length=250, pts=0 OnH264DataReceived: frameType=1, length=384, pts=0 OnH264DataReceived: frameType=1, length=2393, pts=0 OnH264DataReceived: frameType=1, length=3616, pts=0 OnH264DataReceived: frameType=1, length=3747, pts=0

Step: 1. Add the FFmpegInteropX.FFmpegUWP NuGet package 2. Project - Publish- Create App Packages ``` Microsoft.NetNative.targets(809,5): error : Internal compiler error: MCG0023:UnresolvableAssemblyReference Unresolvable assembly reference 'Assembly(Name=Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, ContentType=WindowsRuntime)'...

It always crashes after resetting the `Source` of MediaPlayer in UWP. FFmpegInteropX version: 5.1.100 FFmepgInteropX.UWP version: 1.0.1 Code as following: ``` C# string url = "https://samples.mplayerhq.hu/Matroska/subtitles/multiple_sub_sample.mkv"; FFmpegInteropX.FFmpegMediaSource streamMediaSource = await...

``` java this.activityLifecycleCallbacks = new ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() { public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) { ActivitiesLifecycleCallbacks.this.liveActivityOrNull = activity; } public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) { } public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) { ActivitiesLifecycleCallbacks.this.liveActivityOrNull...