After compiling and installing c++ codes in the glosim module, I can run the command in ESI. Compiling and installing are possible with the following commands: ``` $ cd glosim/libmatch/lap/permanent-0.0.1...
Thank you, I'll try it.
For the similarity matrix input, 'dimlandmark' works? I tries it as follow: > dimlandmark -similarity -n 1000 -mode minmax -w -lowmem < dist_rematch-564_peratom > output The output looks strange since...
Hi! Sandip, Thank you for your quick response. Frequently sorry, but I'm stuck to project whole data using highd- and lowd-landmarks. Is there any remark at using the landmark files...
Hi! Sandip, Thank you for your kind advices. Finally, I think I can get the sketch map image. As you pointed out, I'm confused between similarity(distance) and kernel. For selecting...