Hello all, maybe not appropriate to ask here but, how does one build a local python package in the miniconda/pip environment in the docker run command line? Or should one...
```File ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/platipy/dicom/io/rtstruct_to_nifti.py:203, in transform_point_set_from_dicom_struct(dicom_image, dicom_struct, spacing_override) 198 filled_indices_x, filled_indices_y = polygon( 199 x_vertex_arr_image, y_vertex_arr_image, shape=slice_arr.shape 200 ) 201 slice_arr[filled_indices_y, filled_indices_x] = 1 --> 203 image_blank[z_index] += slice_arr 205 if not...
I'm trying to see if I can use this library to train in petting zoo's waterworld_v4. Running the algorithm this is the error I'm getting, ``` extern "Python": function pymunk._chipmunk.ext_cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc()...
In the SISL/Waterworld section, there is a mismatch between the documentation and the code on the color of the objects. "For example, by default there are 5 agents (purple), 5...