Dov Yih

Results 3 issues of Dov Yih

I crawl a web site which network is very bad, I have to refresh 5 times or even more to get a normal response. I tried to configure `retry_request_errors`, but...

## 🐛 Bug Report when `page` crashed, cause `teardown` failed. like this: ```log yarn run v1.22.4 $ jest console.error node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Env.js:248 Unhandled error console.error node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Env.js:249 Error: Page crashed! at Page._onTargetCrashed (/mnt/d/Project/jest-page-closed/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/Page.js:213:24)...

help wanted 🆘
bug 🐛

### codemod using `jscodeshift` ```ts const CHINESE_REGEXP = /[\u4E00-\u9FFF\u3400-\u4DBF\uF900-\uFAFF\U00020000-U0002EBEF]+/ function isContainChinese(word) { if (/^[\u0000-\u007F();:]+$/.test(word)) return false return CHINESE_REGEXP.test(word) } import { FileInfo, API, ASTPath, JSCodeshift } from 'jscodeshift' export default...
