
Results 9 comments of yich

> 1.2.3-1版本发布,支持暗黑模式。可以试用一下 装的 aur 里的,显示装的是 1.2.3-1 呀, 可是运行后,“关于“里面是 1.2.2 了, 什么情况?

清理了构建, 再装一次, 这回版本对了, 然而。。。 ![截图_2022-06-16_06-59-30](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43059917/173956258-baa90280-b4bb-4de5-8c9b-f60daf5cf2e7.png) 这是还有啥需要清理么? 难道跟桌面环境有关?咱用的 KDE

咱是 arch kde 呢, 哦,补一张截图,当时觉得怪就留了, ![截图_2022-06-16_06-51-07](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/43059917/173976180-16c33e34-5eac-40ea-9016-b25b4f76ea93.png)

so, may i have it on linux?

> See https://speedcrunch.org/ ugly, and your's was so nice

+1 Ctrl+滚轮 能缩放就好啦

感觉直接来个状态栏更好? 就像个浏览器一般, 左边是正在执行的操作,右边放一些统计数据什么的

> As a fuck-around, you could try enabling the "tiles from your history" option and opening all the bookmarks. Alright, Better than one by one, I was expecting it to...

here too! nvidia stuck, hybrid kernel panic! integrated working normal.