Youcef HILEM
Youcef HILEM
Hi, Since Cassandra 3.4, LIKE queries can be achieved using a SSTable Attached Secondary Index (SASI). JPQL supports the SQL LIKE operator to provide a limited form of string pattern...
Hi, Can you please document how to configure a high available bridge . Thanks Youcef HILEM
Hi, With NFS, configuring GW is simpler. Only one POD: gw-manager-worker. This is scalable by simply increasing the value of the replication factor. The same applies to apim-pubstore-tm1 and apim-pubstore-tm2...
Hi, The ports 9763 and 9443 are missed in PODs tm1 & tm2 for pattern-3. These ports are used in service : wso2apim-tm-service.yaml Many exceptions, like this are thrown [2017-09-29...
Hi, Could you please integrate secure vault? It is a prerequisite for any deployment in production. I have read ( and ( but it is better to have a qualified...
Hi, Without adding these **&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false&requireSSL=false** parameters to jdbc urls, example : jdbc:mysql://apim-rdbms:3306/apimgtdb?autoReconnect=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=false&requireSSL=false the following exception is thrown: [2017-08-14 06:29:31,065] ERROR - RegistryContext Unable to get instance of the registry context...
Hi, Can you please add a rdbms folder at for the mysql docker image: used in pattern-X/artifacts/rdbms/rdbms-deployment.yaml ? Thanks, Youcef HILEM
Hi, Can't build the generator on my Windows10 platform. Can you provide a link to download the generator ? Thanks
Hi, I noticed that IdProxy can be called from APIController.invokeAPI in different contexts (threads). Setting requestcode for singleton IdentityProxy is not thread safe : IdentityProxy.getInstance().setRequestCode(requestCode); Please tell us if assigning...