Yuhao Gu
Yuhao Gu
> @liulex 没事了,不知道怎么回事,第二天再开机的时候又好了(真奇怪)
Me too. I'm looking forward for this issue to be solved.
> @yhgu2000 @TheKayneGame Is there any way that you could provide a minimal repro project so that we can investigate? Here you go: [3274.tar.gz](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cmake-tools/files/15088499/3274.tar.gz)
@v-frankwang I think I know where the problem is: it happens only when one ssh to Linux machines from Windows, and the missed `\r` in Linux output caused this issue....
I don't know if disabling the cross-project-test affects the coverage metrics. Will it be better if we use the [`--ignore-filename-regex`](https://llvm.org/docs/CommandGuide/llvm-cov.html#cmdoption-llvm-cov-show-ignore-filename-regex) optior to just hide it in the report? In that...
@David-Herzog-Vexcel Did you solve this? I encounter this problem in boost 1.81 again!