Huiguang Yi
Huiguang Yi
I'm always frustrated when I need to factorize a matrix A in to LL' in step1 and then solve LL'x=b in step2. I need first write the cholmod_factor object L...
Here is my command to simulated reads: ./ transcriptome -rt /data/hgyi/work/RNAseq_quantTool/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa -c ../pre-trained_models/human_NA12878_dRNA_Bham1_guppy/training -e ../pre-trained_models/human_NA12878_dRNA_Bham1_guppy/expression_abundance.tsv -n 100000 --no_model_ir. I found most of reads simulated did not aligned to (not even...
Dear author: I am currently using : kallisto quant -i kalind -o kalout --single -l 150 -s1 errlongreads.fastq I want to know the optimized kallisto parameters for long reads dRNA...
Hi, Dr Zhao: Does bindash have option to filter out low coverage or low quality Kmers in fastq file? I believe these Kmers will bias distance estimation Many thanks