
Results 15 issues of yhammadmufin

Can you Please shared Classification Trained Model for this

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/Drowning-Detector/DrownDetect.py", line 40, in bbox, label, conf = cv.detect_common_objects(frame) File "/content/Drowning-Detector/cvlib/object_detection.py", line 112, in detect_common_objects outs = net.forward(get_output_layers(net)) File "/content/Drowning-Detector/cvlib/object_detection.py", line 36, in get_output_layers...

Getting Error on the following Image ![image (2)](https://github.com/Wongi-Choi1014/Korean-OCR-Model-Design-based-on-Keras-CNN/assets/129506205/28cd916a-5cdd-4b56-b620-bd925626a68c) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/Korean-OCR-Model-Design-based-on-Keras-CNN/test.py", line 31, in test_Image(T_Image_addr,index_to_syllable) File "/content/Korean-OCR-Model-Design-based-on-Keras-CNN/test.py", line 20, in test_Image T_Image_Array = T_Image_Array.reshape(1,32,32,3) ValueError: cannot...

Can you please provide google colab tutorial for Korean language

Can you provide a google colab tutorial to run this Repo Please

Can you please share a tutorial that How to install it on my own Slack channel

Hello You have excellent work. I think if you add OCR+ChatGPT to it, then it will be a great contribution

Can you please shared Pretrained model for Image Classification @macaodha

I have the Image I want to apply OCR on it using Visual ChatGPT Can you please provide a tutorial on Google Colab ![contract_720](https://github.com/microsoft/TaskMatrix/assets/129506205/bed36874-283f-41a9-86d1-b071910c30e8)

Can you create a Gradio app for this Trained model