Hello Mr. Kumar, I noticed that you set ``` self.inputFeatDim = 429 ## IMPORTANT: HARDCODED. Change if necessary. ``` I am wondering how can I check the inputFeatDim of my...
Potential solution: use supervised learning to classify whether a time frame (a word/phrase) is Chinese or not (binary class, 1 :: Chinese, 0 :: English)
after running command: ``` steps/ --cmd 1000 11000 data/train data/lang exp/mono_ali exp/tri1 ``` , ``` there is this error: ``` ERROR (make-h-transducer[5.1.46~1-0d031]:TopologyForPhone() TopologyForPhone(), phone 2005 not covered. ``` full...
To generate G.fst I executed ``` arpa2fst --disambig-symbol=#0 --read-symbol-table=$lang/words.txt $local/tmp/ $lang/G.fst ``` which outputs the following warning: ``` yh2901@instance-1:~/kaldi/egs/codeswitch$ ./ ===== MAKING G.fst ===== arpa2fst --disambig-symbol=#0 --read-symbol-table=data/lang/words.txt data/local/tmp/ data/lang/G.fst LOG...
seen warning: optional-silence SIL is seen only 79.5256679676% of the time at utterance begin. This may not be optimal. Command: ``` steps/ --nj 8 --cmd exp/tri1/graph data/test exp/tri1/decode ```...
during the triphone training, there is a giant sequence of warning complaining `Tree has pdf-id x with no stats`, like the following: ``` WARNING (gmm-init-model[5.0.61~1-37b53]:InitAmGmm() Tree has pdf-id 3 with...