Results 8 issues of Chinge Yang

kubectl apply -f multipleVirtualsvc.yaml -n demo Error from server: error when creating "multipleVirtualsvc.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: configuration is invalid: 2 errors occurred: * SNI host "" is...


如下图,不管加不加反引号,都显示异常。 ![image](


插件已经支持 designAddHead,那么我想如果文件头信息只包含版权信息,主是是用于开源项目多人协作。 当然代码片断也很好用,但是插件实现这功能能不能成为一种可能,vscode 插件中,基本没有好用的 LICENSE 信息生成在文件头部。 提供你最终想要的注释模板: ``` # Copyright The Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this...

For example, if a file has multiple functions, after generating a unit test file for function one, select another function, and then generate a unit test, it will copy all...

### Your current KubeKey version v3.1.1 ### Describe this feature 希望后面 kk 离线安装时使用一个 harbor 项目,而不是像现在这样创建一堆项目。 ### Describe the solution you'd like 比如希望像这样 : dockerhub.kubekey.local/public/kubesphere/kube-apiserver:v1.29.2 使用一个 public 项目即可,后面保留目录,既清晰又方便。 很多情况是已有 harbor,但是创建非常多的项目肯定不利于管理。希望更好的支持这种情况。 ###...

Offline install kubesphere, many POD initContainers use `busybox:latest` `imagePullPolicy: Always` Hope to improve in the future.

``` Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://ks-controller-manager.kubesphere-system.svc:443/validate-email-iam-kubesphere-io-v1alpha2?timeout=30s": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time...


Export the yaml, modified it and apply ? `kubectl get gateway -n kubesphere-controls-system kubesphere-router-kubesphere-system -oyaml` I want to create the ingressclass for it.