@jinmingjian ok, let me have a try.
> @ygf11 really appreciated for your contribution at the side of default expression of column! > > This is a relative large change. I give out some basic ideas from...
@jinmingjian thanks for your suggestions.
> For your case, you can ignore this error for now, we will support special interceptor to replace those random string in near future(maybe one month I guess). Thanks, got...
Does it means we need support default value which is an `expr`? The grammar may be like: `CREATE TABLE test(a int DEFAULT b + 1, b int DEFAULT 0, c...
> Yes, that gramma looks great! (only we don't support now() at present 🤣). Let me have a try :D
> In this statement, a = b + 1 seems a little bit complex to implement, and I suppose the feature that defines default value as any expression) can be...
> I thought of one corner case when default value defined in expression Yes, it is a problem. So circle reference is not allowed here, we can check and return...
> A tracking issue can be created to discuss those optimization. I create a tracking issue #252.