~~Any tips for doing this in the meantime? Seems simple, but after decode, reencode I still get a lot of `2022/04/19 20:19:09 [ERROR] [internal,edge,poll] [message: an error occured during short...
Hi @fracture-point - I think this is what i am trying to do, but I'm a bit stuck and hope you can add a little more detail. Which orgin CA...
Yes. I was referring to the post above mine. Doing this worked! Thank you so much. I also needed to enable [Authenticated Origin Pulls](https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/ssl-tls/origin) as referenced on that page. This...
Was testing this version. I already used socketproxy and traefik and didn't really understand the TLS part of anonaddy so this was perfect for me. Worked great (at least until...
I also wanted to ask what is the purpose of the ports line in the socketproxy? Is it just to obscure the port from the system basically? ``` ports: -...
Reading the certdumper documentation a bit closer. Looks like if you include the `DOMAIN=mydomain.com` environment variable, then it will put the .pem files in the top level /output directory. A...
When running this I get `addgroup: gid '999' in use`. My host `stat -c "%g" /var/run/docker.sock` output is 999, and from what I can tell this gid is already in...
I also had to choose the `Respond only on interface eth0` option in the pihole's DNS settings. By 'working' I'm guessing you mean you can view the pihole page when...
I have a similar issue on Android phone. I am using tailscale to access locally hosted services (e.g. pi-hole) remotely. I have setup my openwrt router to be my subnet...
@moritzj29 would love for you to share your docker info with me. I'm a bit lost with this one, but could get traefik-bouncer running with their great docker documentation. Thanks!