
Results 166 issues of YFdyh000

It should have a margin, otherwise it looks be cut off (if the space is not enough to show).

I prefer to keep the original extension of the file. Expected option: zip or leave blank by default, leave blank = original extension. Allow users to set to like crx,...

I have tried to implement them, but the current code is a bit complicated, so I made a feature requests here. 1. Add "XPI" link like "CRX" to tools, but...

If open the https://github.com/sylikc/jpegview/blob/master/JPEGView/res/JPEGView.ico, the program shows an ugly 16*16px. Use the largest pixels, or allow manual switching to view multiple frames?

help wanted
format support

This fixes the default build not working, eslint issues and the .travis.yml fail. I also recommend you provide the travis-ci URL in README file.

Do you have a roadmap?


SmartProxy 0.9.10 on MS Edge 94.0.992.23. Reproduce the steps: 1. Clean config. Adding the https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt to Rules Subscriptions. 2. Open the https://fonts.gstatic.com/ (or loading any of its page or resources)....


应用-任意详情,单击应用图标是“进一步操作”面板。 快照-任意详情,单击应用图标是跳转到应用-详情。 两个界面中的app图标,应该有浮雕边框等方式凸显出是可点击的控件。 前者另参考 #321。 后者,对于查看快照中的应用的完整详情很有用,快照中点击默认只显示差异部分,或者显示出“这是一个全新的 App”或“此 App 已被移除”。 对于“此 App 已被移除”(等情况),如果能基于快照中的数据呈现历史数据,则更好。



如是否使用了 App Bundles,extractNativeLibs的值,等等。 以及是否考虑 #320 中建议的“安装源”,虽然与应用本身的关系不明显,但可能帮助辨识应用来源(系统应用商店、Google Play商店、APK文件安装)。
