
Results 189 comments of YFdyh000

A better approach is determining whether the target below DropZone can receive drag objects, but it may requires further research.

@Jiehong Since Firefox 55, the sidebar can be placed on right side, you can try it with Firefox 55b1. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1328776, but I guess it will be design-decision-denied.

> Hi, my Thoshiba HDWE140 only achieves 25-30MB/s by 100% HDD usage when copying big video files via Kopia. but with the fileexploerer I reach 100MB/s. Is there a possibility...

Try zipped it.

刚刚接触,代码上的初步意见: 未看出Git中放打包的EasySpider.crx,以及分成en和zh两版的意义。 从代码国际化(i18n)来说,lang=zh应该zh-cn或zh-hans。 代码和自述里中英混杂,对fork发展也许不太友好。

The problem still exists in V186 on Windows 10. https://www.defenderui.com/ - ASR - Change the "[Block abuse of exploited vulnerable signed drivers](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference?view=o365-worldwide#block-abuse-of-exploited-vulnerable-signed-drivers)" to audit mode seem fix it.

Yes, I understand the reason. But, I hope opens urls in the current page and open a new tab for search results always. Can you add an option or pref...

Um, it seems there is no way to my needs, searches open in a new tab always and open urls is not affected?

I understand. Thanks for your efforts for a better future.