Yev Velizhenkov
Yev Velizhenkov
I have this tabs router ``` AutoTabsScaffold( homeIndex: 0, routes: const [ ExploreTab(), RadarTab(), CreatePostTab(), NotificationsTab(), CurrentUserTab(), ], bottomNavigationBuilder: (context, tabsRouter) { if (context.topRouteMatch.meta[kHideBottomBar] == true) { return const SizedBox.shrink();...
tried 3.03, still does not trigger the method. from what I see, the main change was this line, right? `final parentScope = RouterScope.of(context, watch: true);`
``` didChangeDependencies() { hideBar = MyScreenSize.isDesktop(context);} bottomNavigationBuilder: hideBar ? null : (_, tabsRouter) { return EzoAppBottomBar( tabsRouter: tabsRouter, ); }, ``` or instead of Container in your example use SizedBox.shrink()
hello, where to put this if statement? I'm putting it inside bottomNavigationBuilder of AutoTabsScaffold and between page navigation it does not invoke this method, therefore the check is not executed.
So if I need to close the ws connection by myself, then there is a memory leak in WebSocketLink constructor? ``` WebSocketLink( String? uri, { ChannelGenerator? channelGenerator, this.autoReconnect = true,...
@vysotsky not sure as well what do you mean :D the channel generator will create each reconnect a new web socket channel, and the previous one won't be disposed. Disposing...
```Is there anything in particular you find that Nhost is missing, or is it purely a portability concern?``` It is purely a portability concern, I personally don't mind about current...
add maxLines: null to CodeField