Donald Wu
Donald Wu
I am looking this project will add aws lambda, other aws services skills icon and serverless framework icon thanks.
now when I run `serverless offline start` the project in local this plugin does not auto-optimize the code, is it possible to integrate with `serverless-offline` lib? thanks.
`serverless.yml` ``` org: yeukfei05 app: random-user-api-serverless service: random-user-api-serverless frameworkVersion: '2' useDotenv: true provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs14.x stage: prod region: ap-southeast-1 apiName: random-user-api-serverless-prod tracing: apiGateway: true lambda: true environment: NODE_ENV:...
add `node_modules` to `.gitignore` remove `yarn-error.log` and `node_modules` also consider use `rspec` for test case