hi @NewFarmer21, I also find this problem. and try to update to "CURVE = fe_curve.P256" in skadnetwork-server/ But still can't receive postback. Did you receive postback from SKAdNetwork successful?
``` 130|cactus:/ $ logcat -s com.v2ray.ang GoLog V2rayConfigUtilGoLog Main --------- beginning of crash --------- beginning of system --------- beginning of main 05-17 14:09:52.503 15005 15005 E com.v2ray.ang: Not starting debugger...
I have two devices with android 12. One build id is SP1A 210812.016.C1 which works well. Another one is SP2A 220305.012 has same issue with above.
hi @varundtsfi , Do u finished building for a14? please help
hi @osvcos, I fetched your PR and when run unpack and repack. ```sh ➜ redmi_cactus git:(master) ✗ ./mkbootimg/unpackbootimg -i boot.img -o boot2 ANDROID! magic found at: 0 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE bootopt=64S3,32S1,32S1 buildvariant=user...
Thanks @osvcos , It works now;) I noticed the size of output file is smaller than original file. ```sh ➜ redmi_cactus git:(master) ✗ ls -l *.img -rw-r--r--@ 1 Nelson staff...
Pass test with `fastboot boot `. Thanks the project and @osvcos really solved me.