> @Aarab228 you are the best! Really helped me! This fix must be committed very much > > I would only do some refactoring, like > > def _get_session_id(self) ->...
Familiar code😀. Can you provide more information about issue you have, please.
Because requests-python library has User-agent as "Python-requests/version" by default. And I guess random User-agents, or just list of few popular would be great to use. Just to show to the...
The problem is that captcha doesn't appear.
Using cookies for authorization is already minimizing captcha appearing. I'm asking is adding User-agent would be a good feature. Maybe steam can block such a User-agent as "Python-requests"
Hmm, interesting. Thank you so much.
> I have a solution for entering captcha, but it's implemented through a breakpoint when captcha is required, and then entering it manually in the terminal via input. Not the...
Awesome my man!
> #306 New update is ready. Now you can retrieve the on-hold Steam balance using get_wallet_balance(on_hold = True). For now, I'll finish working on the library, I need to get...
If you have trouble with steam_guard file. You should create file called steam_guard.json with such data ``` { "steamid": "YOUR_STEAM_ID_64", "shared_secret": "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET", "identity_secret": "YOUR_IDENTITY_SECRET" } ``` and then login by...