Yunus Emre

Results 12 comments of Yunus Emre

In Line: 53. Change the line 👇 - I create [pull request]( for it too ```py driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options, executable_path=r"path/chrome/driver") # if windows, driver.exe ``` > If you dont...

You can use my own script to create `` file automatically

### Can u tell more about `x`? Should I listen every key stroke until get `x` and do that comparison?

I'm not sure If you or me understand well. I want to create global hook (that works all windows) and when I type `:smile:` somewhere, * Delete `:smile:` (maybe sending...

I want to make text replacement in **real time** like AutoHotkey [`HotStrings`]( - Yes, I know AutoHotkey and I'm trying to find **python alternative** - Also I know `ahk` package...

I'm working on sample (with pynput) for it, when I finished, I will share my code here

🎉 I wrote small script that works like HotString (may has some bug) ```py from pynput.keyboard import Controller, Key, Listener _text = "" WORD_MAPPING = { "bad": "not fine", "sad":...

> That looks nice. Is it what you wanted? > I notice that "xcvbad" will not work but only "xcv bad". Is that on purpose? No, but I like it....

Try to save file with **UTF-8 with BOM** encoding [📑 Encoding Düzenleme](

Add it, end of the your markdown (`.md`) file to generate PDF with latex > Also I add the js > > ```js > > > MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$',...