Dima Rozhdestvenskiy
Dima Rozhdestvenskiy
Thank you so much @cronik ! In case someone wanted real-world working example without typos and with parameters, here you go: Repo and plugin: ``` --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap...
Same thing here, any thoughts?
@Solant thank you! But didn't help. In the end we've resolved it by adding second build, since it's always building OK on the second time in CI. First build is...
I've tried to nail it this way: ``` pipeline: somtest: image: debian:buster commands: - echo "Found changes in:" | tee gitchanges.txt - echo $(git show --pretty="format:" --name-only $(git rev-parse HEAD)...
BTW got exactly same problem, team uses monorepo, one folder is `base`, others are projects. All software written in scala, so building modules separately is best for us, since `sbt`...
Nice request! Stumbled upon this when was searching for nice and easy solution to make chat notification with all running instances (all regions).
Okay new info: Started pure debian9 host on GCE Added scopes: `compute-rw` `storage-rw` installed latest docker 18.06.0~ce~3-0~debian installed rexray via curl ``` REX-Ray ------- Binary: /usr/bin/rexray Flavor: client+agent+controller SemVer: 0.11.3...
@clintkitson thanks for quick reply! Well, i can create pd's manually and via terraform. What docker thinks about volumes: ``` $ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME rexray letstestrexray rexray...
Sure! I'm going to try existing `test` and creating new one: ``` sudo rexray volume create hello --size=200 ID Name Status Size hello hello available 200 ``` ``` $ sudo...
My reply above was edited right after initial posting with docker volume ls, hope it helps! ``` $ sudo docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME rexray hello rexray letstestrexray rexray...