Yefang Li
Yefang Li
pip install scikit-allel
did you run it correctly? I have installed xpclr with python and conda, but not worked. So I changed the original version and it works.
> > did you run it correctly? I have installed xpclr with python and conda, but not worked. So I changed the original version and it works. > > Not...
sorry, I forgot the process with my package. I used " python install", python >3. Input files are geno and snp, vcf does not work.
> That's a bit high, but not unexpected. If all of those are left in, they'll result in spurious calls. Thank for your reply.
> That's a bit high, but not unexpected. If all of those are left in, they'll result in spurious calls. Hi, I have a small question. How many samples could...
hello! I have a new errow in plotting fbranch, like this: >python3 Dsuite/utils/ fbranch.txt nwk.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/lingjiang/liyf/china_analyses/dsuit/Dsuite/utils/", line 3654, in sys.exit(main()) ^^^^^^ File "/home/lingjiang/liyf/china_analyses/dsuit/Dsuite/utils/", line...
> I have same issue. It is possible to set up the MapQ and depth parameters by ourselves? I didn't set any parameters, just made all outfiles merged
> I met the same error as yours, I wonder did you solve it? Could not open input BAM files: BamMultiReader::Open: unable to open all files: unable to open file:...