Results 6 comments of Duke Yin

Find the solution now: Thanks to @edward852 找到解决方法了:谢谢 @edward852 first you have to get the number of current song like @edward852 said: 首先你需要得到当前歌曲的编号,就像 @edward852 说的一样: `var ind=ap.list.index` Then we can...

This is usually caused by a wrong or empty "audio url" definition. Check the audio.url part of your "APlayer" construction, `audio: [{ ...... url: 'url.mp3', //check here ...... }] `...

Same here, please help us.

> @yduke Hello, It is kindly suggested. You can follow the WIKI to deploy certification easily. I also recommend that you choose a non-default certificate provider. REF: [](url) @RickGanKL First...

> Found where problem is. Sent pr to fix the issue Same problem here, can you specific how do you solve this issue? What is "pr"? Thank you.

> @yduke pr is pull request. You can check it [here]( Thank you @ikenfin fixed with your code~ and thanks for reply :)