Lucas Yang

Results 22 comments of Lucas Yang

Hi @JesusTheHun Can you please provide minimal examples (using like github repo, codesandbox, stackblitz..., and suggest can use the Vite & React scaffolding: with the ComboBox component? because I...

I think you're going to make a fullscreen Modal? If that's the case, Headless UI Float is not suitable for such a thing. This package is a wrapper for Floating...

You can use this to set the list to be the width same as the button. First, you have to wrap the `` with a `` containing the `relative` and...

@HenryC-3 Disable Auto Rename Tag plugin is work for me, thanks!

```js import hljs from 'highlightjs/highlight.pack.js' ``` ```js highlight (code) { return hljs.highlightAuto(code).value } ```

I know the chromedriver exists in Symfony/Panther. The my issue is #3. I use Panther's chromedriver in Depictr, but it does not work. php-webdriver throw "unknown error: cannot find Chrome...

## 1. Homestead (virtualbox driver in Windows) The issue is now solved. after installing the Chrome browser (run `sudo apt-get install chromium-browser` in Homestead) can running Depictr. ## 2. Heroku...

Use `slot` in Header from your page component: ```js export default { name: "Page", layout: (h, page) => { return h(Layout, [ page, h('span', { slot: 'header' }, 'Header') ])...

```js export default { name: "Page", layout: (h, page) => { return h(Layout, [ page, h('div', { slot: 'header' }, [ h('div', 'Other component'), h('div', 'Other component') ]) ]) }...

I have the same problem and I can't solve it. But I send a new issue #172