Yichi Zhang
Yichi Zhang
Let me try to split the questions as follows: 1. What is the delta in QuantSign? Delta is the space among the quantization grids. When b=2, we quantize the input...
Yes correct. See here: [https://github.com/cornell-zhang/FracBNN/blob/main/xcel-cifar10/source/pgconv.h#L71](url) msb_scale = 1/3
How slow did you observe with/without thermometer encoding? The released InputEncoder is fairly efficient in terms of GPU latency in our experiment. I can imagine the two sources of slow...
Hi, Thank you for checking out our FracBNN code. To reproduce the results, I would suggest making sure the software version matches. We used Vivado 2019.2 to synthesize the design...
Hi, Thanks for reading our FracBNN paper and trying out the FPGA deployment! For the interest of a potentially broader audience, I will respond in English. There are some missing...
In your screenshot, I guess "software" means the C testbench. Software outputs looks good. I'd guess hardware weight packing has an issue when you plug in your own weights?