Yonel Ceruto

Results 25 comments of Yonel Ceruto

Hi @liarco, keep your changes (the new naming looks good to me) while tests passed it's ok.

**Initial** migration for multiple DBMS sound weird to me with `DoctrineMigrationsBundle` that generates pure SQL statements (which can be different through DBMS) according to the current driver. I don't know...

> `doctrine:fixtures:load` is a "destructive" command, and it will reset your database completely, and therefor it should not be available in production mode. Yes, I mean from scratch. Currently we...

What is the best practice to populate the initial data on production?

@timbordemann thanks, but now throw this exception when `doctrine:migration:diff` is executed > [Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException] > Unknown database type custom_type requested, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL92Platform may not support it. any suggestions?

Solved \o/ ``` yaml # Doctrine Configuration doctrine: dbal: #... mapping_types: custom_type: string #

This issue was probably fixed in https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/43901, @glynnforrest could you confirm? thanks

Even when the purpose of the `entityClass` was to execute the query in a different repository (in some cases, such as when using Doctrine inheritance mapping), I wonder if we...

> As you can see, the "collection_entry" is in the wrong place. Can you elaborate on why and the expected result?