I'm trying to use file agent to pass a local file as well and failed with "permission denied" error, do you have any clue that I might missed? Thanks... Following...
Here's the python client: cat incubator-teaclave/examples/python/builtin_rustface.py ``` #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import base64 from teaclave import (AuthenticationService, FrontendService, AuthenticationClient, FrontendClient, DataMap) from utils import (AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_ADDRESS, FRONTEND_SERVICE_ADDRESS, AS_ROOT_CA_CERT_PATH, ENCLAVE_INFO_PATH, USER_ID, USER_PASSWORD)...
Thanks @mssun and @qinkunbao , we need to specify the "input" parameter when register the function and "inputs_ownership" when create the task: ``` function_id = client.register_function( name="builtin-rustface-detector", description="Native Face Detection...
Need to make sure that the local file url is accessible from the teaclave-execution-service but not the teaclave client.
@xxllp 8G显存应该可以支持batch size 180; 另外把数据放到ssd可以显著提高训练速度,在1070单卡上可以达到450 samples/s
I'm planning to build a data collecting system based on njs: clients post small binary data to nginx, and njs needs to append the received data to a local file....
could you help to post what's the error message in your hive log (which is located in /tmp//hive.log)? thx, YC
Sorry for miss your email. Now I include a combo jar under 'target' directory you might try without needing guava/mongo-java-driver jar...
which version of hive are you trying? I guess this might be a compatible issue. I'm on sick leave now and might have a look at this. I guess a...
Richakk, I have a push (untested) on this, would you pls help to try if it fix your issue? Thanks.