
Results 9 comments of ybeapps

Wow, where is it in the docs??? :) ‫ב-17 בינו׳ 2017, בשעה 12:08, ‏‏John Holdsworth ‏ כתב/ה:‬ > You’re not trying to inject iPhone 5 by any chance? Injection only...

I have the same problem... take a look at this: private const string CppCodeProviderAssembly = "CppCodeProvider, "+ **"Version=, " +** "Culture=neutral, " + "PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, " + "processorArchitecture=MSIL";

I'm having this issue too... I ended up having to pop a message to the user and recommend it to restart app =[

I ain’t using self sizing cells anymore When I tried using it I waisted weeks of my life for nothing Without it I finished my work in about 2 days!...

I wanted the cells to be bigger when selected I gave up on this but as far as I remember I used invalidationContext to add a margin in both sides...

I need to check what I’ve done I can’t remember right now I only can say that I didn’t used self-sizing cells mechanism ‫ב-2 ביולי 2018, בשעה 17:31, ‏‏Richard Topchii...

My cells are very simple It’s just a UILabel with a number I’m not resizing them, just reposition When selection changes I call this: func invalidatePositions() { let ctx =...

not working in latest xcode use this: `https://github.com/Sling-Inc/Sliders-SwiftUI.git` target `xcode14` branch