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Natural language parser for recurring events

Results 8 tickle issues
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I don't get it require 'tickle' d = Date.today 10.times {|i| d = Tickle.parse('1st wed each month', {:start => d })[:next] puts d d += 24*60*60 } prints 2022-04-06 12:00:00...

Not sure if this is being worked on or if the incantation is going to be dropped? ``` > Tickle.parse('every day at 9am') Traceback (most recent call last): 1: from...

``` [6] pry(#)> self[:tickle_expression] => "every day starting today at 11:30 am" [7] pry(#)> Time.now => 2017-05-06 18:26:05 +0000 [8] pry(#)> t = Tickle.parse(self[:tickle_expression]) => {:next=>2018-05-06 11:30:00 +0000, :expression=>"day", :starting=>2018-05-06...

``` 2.2.1 :023 > t = Tickle.parse('every day starting today at 11am') => {:next=>2018-05-06 11:00:00 +0000, :expression=>"day", :starting=>2018-05-06 11:00:00 +0000, :until=>nil} 2.2.1 :024 > t = Tickle.parse('daily starting today at...

Is there an option for saying "every work day" (i.e. from monday to friday) ? I looked for it but I couldn't find any

`every 15 seconds` would be pretty excellent if supported. What would need to be done to get that working?

I have an app that supports cancelling the next occurrence of an event, but for this we need to calculate the next occurrence of the event for an event in...

For example, when we use a month and day format common in the US like 4/3 which represents April 3, tickle doesn't seem to catch that. Is there a method...