
Results 14 comments of krzychus

and the native kernel: ```C tornado --printKernel -Dtornado.enable.nativeFunctions=True -m tornado.benchmarks/ dft 8192 4096 --iterations 1 WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.foreign, jdk.incubator.vector bm=dft-15-8192 , id=java-reference , average=3.819124e+09, median=3.791125e+09, firstIteration=4.083596e+09, best=3.519395e+09 #pragma...

I remembered OpenCL has been a dead-end for Macs (i.e. Something to keep in mind during the next round of purchases for any scientific team. Nevertheless,seems we can work...

Big Thanks for checking and for support on this, hopefully my understanding on GPU/OpenCL etc basics will improve fast, for now some assumptions might be plain wrong: * Ad 1)...

Any more concrete ETA on this one by any chance?