I guess nframes at line 23 gets negative? When this could happen.
```C Thread 1 "R" hit Breakpoint 6, ease_seq (easer="linear", length=-7) at utils.h:77 77 static inline std::vector ease_seq(std::string easer, int length) { (gdb) n 80 new_allocator() _GLIBCXX_USE_NOEXCEPT { } (gdb) 78...
sure: $SELECTION$ is replaced by the selected block and one can put some sql to execute it, useful to do i.e. select \* from ($SELECTION$) s limit 10; select...
Does it mean no trigonometric function can be used currently on MacOs? We develop on MacOS and run on Linux so it would be nice to have a workaround if...
(Same behaviour on Monterey): ``` tornado --devices WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.foreign, jdk.incubator.vector Number of Tornado drivers: 1 Driver: OpenCL Total number of OpenCL devices : 3 Tornado device=0:0 OpenCL...
Yes, we see sin/cos work fine on Linux and all tests/benchmarks pass ok (see with JDK17. Since we rely heavily on the trigonometric support it is an issue for...
Good to hear it's not the limitation of the driver. Not sure how to affect usage, tried both `-Dtornado.enable.nativeFunctions=[False|True]` ``` tornado -Dtornado.enable.nativeFunctions=False -m tornado.benchmarks/ dft 8192 4096 --iterations 1 WARNING:...
Specifying device does not change much, i.e. for discrete GPU (but worked for OpenCL on CPU ) ``` tornado -Ds0.t0.device=0:2 -Dtornado.enable.nativeFunctions=False -m tornado.benchmarks/ dft 8192 4096 --iterations 1 WARNING: Using...
so can ambiguity come from the fact there are two GPUs? Is it possible to target just one to avoid this problem?
Could you clarify what should be `-D..device` for benchmarks for say device 0:1? kernel included: ```C tornado --printKernel -Dtornado.enable.nativeFunctions=False -m tornado.benchmarks/ dft 8192 4096 --iterations 1 WARNING: Using incubator modules:...