Yazalde Filimone
Yazalde Filimone
hey, @harshhhdev let me try it!
@Prajnaprabhu3, @harshhhdev Forgive me for being late and I'm very busy at work but I'll try to take a night to see this!
@shadcn i resolved it in #59
> maybe I can indicate c++20 standard for compile_commands but what about spdlog? > > my project is running fine but I am getting clangd warnings that spdlog is not...
@rodolfoviolla, achei a ideia legal, mas validar o formato pode acabar quebrando os sistemas que hoje so passam o cep nao formatado ou como string mesmo, mas como disse antes...
> Thanks for reporting! Would you like to send a Pull Request to address this issue? Remember to add unit tests. I would like try it...
@mcollina @aehtatsirk @smaant I am very sorry for the delay, I ended up feeling discouraged and sad for not knowing how to do it at the time, but after receiving...
hum, you can explain me more or show exemple for it in code!
Let me try it
hei @alexandrucancescu I resolve that in #654