
Results 4 issues of yau-lim

## Feature request **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, the only way to know when Run for project completes is by actively watching the progress...


Currently, RoiTools supports [union](https://github.com/qupath/qupath/blob/2e7042fc0c5913757a1f5ba481941fa9ba9f8275/qupath-core/src/main/java/qupath/lib/roi/RoiTools.java#L124) and [intersection](https://github.com/qupath/qupath/blob/2e7042fc0c5913757a1f5ba481941fa9ba9f8275/qupath-core/src/main/java/qupath/lib/roi/RoiTools.java#L148) methods directly but not subtraction. Subtraction has to be done using [combineROIs](https://github.com/qupath/qupath/blob/2e7042fc0c5913757a1f5ba481941fa9ba9f8275/qupath-core/src/main/java/qupath/lib/roi/RoiTools.java#L97) and CombineOp methods, while not difficult, is incoherent as union and intersection...


As a follow up to the image.sc thread (https://forum.image.sc/t/feature-suggestion-option-to-revert-to-last-state-on-cancelling-script-run/74486), there could be a quicker way to cancel a running script and regain control of QuPath. Currently, on cancelling a script,...


Hi! I just want to let you know that the installation method using conda is currently not working, at least for me. Here's the error that I got when trying...