I was mistaken, looks like I'm getting a `.codeium` folder in `$XDG_DATA_HOME` as well. Would be nice to strip the `.` if the `codeium` folder is not being made in...
Here is a simple [script](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yatinlala/dotfiles/main/scripts/code/scripts/change-workspace) that you can use to get this functionality. Just replace `workspace prev` with `change-workspace prev` and `workspace next` with `change-workspace next` in your i3 config...
Sorry about the dead link @rfb3, here is a [working one](https://github.com/yatinlala/dotfiles/blob/2c286889dce89db3f3ca976692c8f93ea0308f5f/scripts/code/scripts/change-workspace). Let me know if you're having any other issues with it.