
Results 8 comments of yasser

While build process (vite, parcel, webpack) and Electron migration have to be done at once, the React migration can be done incrementally, React 17 became more stable [on integrating React...

I resolved that just putting each model in different files. It is not a sequelize issue, seems like the problem is on typescript compilation with `emitDecoratorMetadata: true` option.

I have a workaround for angular apps, using `ngModel` and defining a `setter`. on .html: `` and on .ts: `set selected(value: boolean) { this._selected = value; console.log('tap'); }`

it could be more friendly with the `pullToRefreshStyleProperty` way to customize colors

is there any reason to keep that `include` in the count filtering?

found this code snippet: ```elisp (use-package flymake-eslint :custom (flymake-eslint-executable-name "npx")) ```