Arduino-CC2500-Library copied to clipboard
This library is used to connect CC2500 RF Module (Texas Instruments) with Arduino. This library is tested on Arduino UNO.
Hi I'm trying to use this to create a transmitter a receiver for a DIY drone I am wondering if this code works and if not could anyone suggest me...
Hi there, I don't know if this is still active, but I'll give it a go anyway... I am trying to setup two arduino pro micro as transmitter and receiver...
Hello Yasir, I really appreciate your effort for CC2500. I'm trying to compile your composed code it's absolutely fine no error, but I don't receive any data at receiving side,...
Hi Guys, I have cc2500 module which is bought from China (WLC-24D) as below photo. However, there is no GDO0 pin on it. I have tried to connect UNO board...
hey, the code u put up is giving out some compile errors saying:"REG_FIFOTHR WAS NOT DECLARED IN THIS SCOPE" and also a lot more errors pertaining to REG_IOCFG1.... please reply...