personality-prediction copied to clipboard
Experiments for automated personality detection using Language Models and psycholinguistic features on various famous personality datasets including the Essays dataset (Big-Five)
I am trying to clone from repo using google colab but it shows this error: `Cloning into 'personality'... Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please...
Thank you your sharing! I run your project with my data successfully. But how can I see the prediction results of "O" "C" "E" "A" "N" like TableⅡ in your...
it is like `pip -r requirments.txt`it should be `pip install -r requirements.txt`
Hi~ Thanks for your sharing, which helped me a lot. As stated in your paper "In psychometric personality trait assessments, personality is measured in continuous scores, yet the available benchmark...
Thank you for opening code. I want to extract affectivespace and Senticnet 5 features of kaggleMBTI dataset, however, I found that I don't know how to generate “kaggle_concept_count_final.p”. This .p...
I found that, your code placed the `model=tf.keras.model.sequential` inside the K-fold level. I really think it results that it will generate too many new model every time your code go...
Hi, First of all, thank you for your program, which is quite interesting and helpful. I was wondering if it was possible for you to add an option as to...