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Experiments for automated personality detection using Language Models and psycholinguistic features on various famous personality datasets including the Essays dataset (Big-Five)
Automated Personality Prediction using Pre-Trained Language Models
This repository contains code for the paper Bottom-Up and Top-Down: Predicting Personality with Psycholinguistic and Language Model Features, published in IEEE International Conference of Data Mining 2020.
Here are a set of experiments written in tensorflow + pytorch to explore automated personality detection using Language Models on the Essays dataset (Big-Five personality labelled traits) and the Kaggle MBTI dataset.
Pull this repository from GitLab via:
git clone [email protected]:ml-automated-personality-detection/personality.git
Creating a new conda environment is recomended. Install PyTorch GPU/CPU for your setup.
conda create -n mvenv python=3.8
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
See the requirements.txt for the list of dependent packages which can be installed via:
pip -r requirements.txt
First run the LM extractor code which passes the dataset through the language model and stores the embeddings (of all layers) in a pickle file. Creating this 'new dataset' saves us a lot of compute time and allows effective searching of the hyperparameters for the finetuning network. Before running the code, create a pkl_data folder in the repo folder. All the arguments are optional and passing no arguments runs the extractor with the default values.
python -dataset_type 'essays' -token_length 512 -batch_size 32 -embed 'bert-base' -op_dir 'pkl_data'
Next run a finetuning model to take the extracted features as input from the pickle file and train a finetuning model. We find a shallow MLP to be the best performing one
python finetune_models/
Results Table | Language Models vs Psycholinguistic Traits |
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Predicting personality on unseen text
Follow the steps below for predicting personality (e.g. the Big-Five: OCEAN traits) on a new text/essay:
- You will have to train your model -- for that, first choose your training dataset (e.g. essays).
- Extract features for each of the essays by passing it through a language model of your choice (e.g. BERT) by running the file. This will create a pickle file containing the training features.
- Next, train the finetuning model. Let's say it is a simple MLP (this was the best performing one, as can be seen from Table 2 of the paper). Use the extracted features from the LM to train this model. Here, you can experiment with 1) different models (e.g. SVMs, Attention+RNNs, etc.) and 2) concatenating the corresponding psycholinguistic features for each of the essays.
- You will have to write code to save the optimal model parameters after the training is complete.
- For the new data, first pass it through the SAME language model feature extraction pipeline and save this. Load your pre-trained model into memory and run it on these extracted features.
Note: The text pre-processing (e.g. tokenization, etc.) before passing it through the language model should be the SAME for training and testing.
Running Time
On a RTX2080 GPU, the -embed 'bert-base' extractor takes about ~2m 30s and 'bert-large' takes about ~5m 30s
On a CPU, 'bert-base' extractor takes about ~25m
python finetune_models/
On a RTX2080 GPU, running for 15 epochs (with no cross-validation) takes from 5s-60s, depending on the MLP architecture.
Deep Learning based Personality Prediction [Literature REVIEW] (Springer AIR Journal - 2020)
title={Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Personality Detection},
author={Mehta, Yash and Majumder, Navonil and Gelbukh, Alexander and Cambria, Erik},
journal={Artificial Intelligence Review},
doi = {},
url = {}
Language Model Based Personality Prediction (ICDM - 2020)
If you find this repo useful for your research, please cite it using the following:
title={Bottom-up and top-down: Predicting personality with psycholinguistic and language model features},
author={Mehta, Yash and Fatehi, Samin and Kazameini, Amirmohammad and Stachl, Clemens and Cambria, Erik and Eetemadi, Sauleh},
booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)},
The source code for this project is licensed under the MIT license.