Pedro F
Pedro F
+1 for Tianocore :D
It seems your virtualization is already in use. Are you trying to run minishift while running another virtual machine on other hypervisor, such as virtualbox?
Update - upon checking the following: we should be able to pass docker-machines environment variables into the minishift binary. However, even after setting VIRTUALBOX_NO_VTX_CHECK to true, it keeps...
I agree this should be multiplatform, especially when there are people migrating to ARM64 in cloud environments. Any news on officially supporting this? It seems @c-geek has already done a...
> I will give it a try, am I allowed to use the coreos-installer (requires rustup and cargo install on the rescue system) or should I write the config manually....
>the official coreos-installer which does exactly that: write coreos and the ignition file onto a disk. It's available as a container image, too. Not quite... it's a bit different from...