I have the same issue here. @jnordberg have you found any work around for that?
Just wonder, why the `file: Split View` doesn't affected by that?
Well my C-fu is quite opposite, actually, but I guess this one I could have handled with some time. For now (totally noob about this codebase) this kind of work...
`It's not a trash value, as call_value1 is possibly constrained with some constraints` Yep, I've got that. But why they (symbolic values) appears at that stage? I mean, I looked...
@norhh could you please point me out where exactly in code do you do this?
@norhh thank you for pointing me out. Could you as well point me out, how can I set a constraint for a case that contract having a given value in...
@norhh It's actually throws an error with the statement that the worddata (the value that is compared to it) should be 256. Anyway this is exactly what I'm doing, wrapping...
Hi, thanks for an issue and the PR for the project. Just wonder what is the purpose of including `SwiftLint` dependency in your app?
Yeah, seems legit. Although this given fix fixes the issue, I'm worried that it's so until the next swiftlint & crypto swift update, which is not ok in general. @JeneaVranceanu...
I'm up for. Upd: I suppose it's a better way here to vote by comments this way it wold be easier to count votes at the end.