Yaroslav Bulatov

Results 14 issues of Yaroslav Bulatov

tf.identity has TensorOutput but no TensorAllocation message, so it doesn't use new memory, update logic to only count TensorAllocation

I played around with a few different ways of distributed logging in wandb and I'm learning towards recommending to log from just 1 worker for the PyTorch/AWS [tutorial](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LuCACKdXTbptHzXb81sGA1CevRW44wQ5znxXylj8S5A/edit#heading=h.d1y77q80usbq) IE ```...


I'm seeing opt_einsum generate suboptimal schedules for einsum graphs of small treewidth For instance, family of Apollonian networks are treewidth=3 graphs where optimal decomposition is discovered by greedily triangulating the...

Is there a way to get optimized path for expression with some tensors repeated? For instance, einsum('nlp,nlq->l', B, B) can be done in O(n^3) time, but einsum opt gives a...

Matlab mnist images are stored column major order, whereas this version stores them in row major. This means that when transferring weights between Python and Matlab implementations, you need to...

Some markdown engines support syntax like below to specify image dimensions, but it doesn't seem to work in markup-it `![](./pic/pic1_50.png =100x20) ` This is important for SVG files since there's...


I was looking for something like TMUX that will work in a DUMB terminal (ie, Emacs shell buffer). It seems this isn't supported right now, there's some redrawing happening so...

It would be useful to have a readme to reproduce the benchmarks. For instance I found that for running cifar multi-gpu resnet on TF I needed to do `pip install...

It's there in boto3 but missing from annotations

Any idea why "routes" attribute is missing on RouteTable type? https://github.com/alliefitter/boto3_type_annotations/blob/793d4a954eb24736a45f3ef6e9beaae1bbe135ab/boto3_type_annotations/boto3_type_annotations/ec2/service_resource.py#L624 I seem to be able to use it through boto3 ![Screenshot 2019-05-31 19 58 46](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23068/58743005-cc97f580-83de-11e9-9023-28150c5130b6.png)
