Yaron Yarimi

Results 15 comments of Yaron Yarimi

hey @grigory-bogush did you have any lead on why transformation fails? 🤔

Hi @TomerHeber Any updates on this one?

@TomerHeber this is indeed low priority atm, let's continue with other efforts and get back to it when we got some spare time 🤞

@indu-sharma1 can you please share an example?

Hi @indu-sharma1 So the expected behavior is for the root EBS volume to have both `tags` attributes? or just the one under `root_block_device` nested block?

Hi @dsfrederic We currently don't have an ETA for this feature request as this is quite a specific use case that would be difficult to implement. Yet we're going to...

Hey @dsfrederic Would having the ability to ignore specific resources, let's say by type + name, would make sense to you and assist your use case?

Hey again @dsfrederic Terratag executes **before** the plan, so that can't be achieved. Can you maybe suggest a more generic solution to your specific use case? I thought of maybe...

I'm also experiencing this issue and came across the `experiments` block. When trying to add it to my provider config, I don't see any change in behavior. Am I doing...

I'm having the same issue as well. Also happens on `4.0.1`. Any plans on addressing this bug?