Lubov Yaronskaya
Lubov Yaronskaya
Hi @sellingsolutions you need to create .sourcerer-conf inside of your repositories. Add the following information there ` [ignore]` `path/to/first_file.ext` `path/to/second_file.ext` and run the app again. By the way, what sort...
@sdlins rankings are influenced by team size - commits from repositories having big team, contribute stronger to a rank.
Hi @parmentelat It is better to see the status of processing in Settings->Processing since the banner might be wrong. Now your profile shows 18 repositories. 3 repositories are big and...
@parmentelat at the moment we don't support the scope of what gets scanned in the site. You can use the app to scan additional repositories.
Hi @PabloPavan. Could you please give an example of such files?
@PabloPavan looks like it is sort of documentation similar to README. We currently do not take into account text and documentation files.
Hi @MHillier98! Check your profile - the repositories have been added to your account. FYI commits in your repositories had invalid emails. If you plan to process new repositories, consider...
Hi @gigashiro. Looks like you don't have any personal projects in your gitlab account. By the way, you can process any repositories locally using the app.
@gigashiro yes, currently only personal projects can be processed through the site. One way to add other projects is through the use of sourcerer-app.
@raa-zez what is your java version?