Kevin Ye

Results 108 issues of Kevin Ye

Exit with a `segmentation fault`.


I just clone the proj and switch it to pytorch1.0 branch. While compiling nms, lots of error occur, what astonish me is that nms needs ``…… Well, we are on...

Thanks for your great work. And if you could release the models, it will be more convenient to follow your work.

Hi, may I ask how can I get the confidence score of a tracker? In the code, it's set to be 1 in default. ![image](

hello,我昨天试了一下用训好的 epochxx.pth 和 epochxx.pth_ema 进行推理,发现这两个模型得到的精度是一模一样的,请问这样是合理的吗,理论上 EMAmodel 的精度不是会高很多的吗,或者说有哪里出了问题?

Hi, thanks for your great work. Following your supplementary materials, I use RetinaNet-ResNet101 to distill RetinaNet-ResNet50, and I plot mAP curve as follows, which can be seen that performance of...

Hi, could you please update the QRcode of wechat group? Plz go to study now !

a718ec25744b61b67722f76832b7064c Plz go to study now !
