tmux-1password icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tmux-1password copied to clipboard

:key: Access your 1Password login items within tmux!

Results 5 tmux-1password issues
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Hey, I didn't manage to launch it with my 1password config, it seems that it crashes with session error, but I am pretty sure that I have `op cli` session...

Does it support KeyChain

## ☕ Purpose After I started using #13, I've noticed that it takes too long if every time I fetch passwords my computer needs to go to the 1Password server...

One limitation of the 1Password CLI is that it is **DAMN SLOW**, as it requires an internet connection to fetch data from your vaults. Also, it uses tokens that expire...

just started using this, it looks great! it would be nice to be able to copy passwords to clipboard or have it be `send-keys` on selection instead of globally!